1 Comment
Apr 23Liked by John Crickett

It's really helpful to see these skills written out with examples on how to improve. I've struggled with time management before, and one exercise that helped me realize how easily distracted I could get, was doing a very simple time audit.

It sounds a bit tedious, but I made a chart with "activity", "time", and "planned?" as columns. I set a timer every 30 mins, and would fill in the activity I was working on, the time , and whether it was a planned activity or not (was it related to the task I wanted to prioritize). Doing this allowed me to clearly see that I was being pulled away from the task I wanted to work on, allowed me to set boundaries, and to work on my self discipline. Doing this, even just for a couple of days, has had a lasting impact on my productivity and awareness.

Great article, and great tips!

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